My vision for 2014-2015

When a child becomes a student at St. James my vision is to enter into a true partnership with each parent or guardian. A child's success in school can be tremendously enhanced by having meaningful home and school communication.
My priority is to enrich not only the academic ability of my students, but to assist in their spiritual, emotional and thoughtful growth as well. I care for each heart and soul as well as each mind and body.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Catholic Schools Week

Well, it's that time of year again...Catholic Schools Week.  First grade has had a lot of fun this week.  We did the DEAR Day (Drop Everything And READ) on Monday.  We wore our PJ's to school and attended the book fair too!  On Thursday we went out to play in the snow, watched a super bowl video and enjoyed hot cocoa with marshmallows and fresh popcorn!  We also had no homework to celebrate student appreciation day! Friday our week ends with a prayer service in the church, weather permitting.  We are grateful and privileged to be on such a fine catholic school.  God Bless!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Joyous 2015!

Happy New Year!  I hope this finds you all well rested after a much needed winter break and that you all experienced a Joyous and Blessed Christmas surrounded by family, friends and loved ones.  Our class theme for January is, "God is Present in Everyone".  As always, we are striving to be like Christ in all that we say and do.  We continuously try to mimic Him.

With 2014 behind us and all of the "hoopla" that goes along with the's time to kick it up a notch!  Our guided reading groups are running along smoothly while the students work on writing assignments and language arts.  I am raising the bar of expectations on our written work.  Our math lessons are focusing on groups of ten and adding and subtracting with ten frames.  Science explores the habitats and conditions of polar lands while social studies looks at basic government, jobs and communities.

A gentle yet needed reminder...Brrrrr, we live in New England! PLEASE remember hats, gloves and warm wear for the playground.

As always, our door is open.  Please let me know it you have any concerns or questions.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween is here!

The students and I are really looking forward to our celebration on Friday morning.  We will begin at 10 and wrap it up around 11am.  Parents are welcome to join us if you are able!  We will be doing crafts, having snack, reading Halloween stories and playing games.  Please have your child wear (or send in) the gym uniform to wear once our party is over to save our costumes for safekeeping!
Please make sure to send in your food permission slips if you haven't already done so.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Mr. Recupero, we love you!

A great big shout out to Lily's dad, Mr. Sam Recupero! 

Hooray, hooray... Mr. R has given our class a new carpet!  We enjoy our new rug many times through out the day; morning meeting, story and many group lessons.  Room 1-102 thanks you for helping us keep our bottoms comfortable and cozy!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sight words:

The following sight words have been reviewed and studied.  Please practice and review regularly.

a, and, is, in, it, of, the, to, that, you, he, for, are, on, was, as, with, his, they, I, at, be, this, at, from, but, were, not, all, were, we, when, your, can, said, there, use, an, each,  which, or, one, had, by, words.